Crystal Meth: Signs of Use and Addiction

what is meth used for medically

Some of the negative effects of meth use, including hallucinations or movement issues, may go away in the weeks or months after you stop using the drug. But some changes may take years or longer to resolve or never get better. If you use meth on a regular basis, it can change your brain’s dopamine system. For example, you may have problems with coordination or learning. Your chances of getting Parkinson’s disease (a movement disorder) may go up. Almost 2.5 million people in the U.S. aged 12 or older say they use meth every year.

The Dangers of Crystal Methamphetamine

Chronic meth users also usually show poor personal hygiene and sores on their bodies from picking at “crank bugs,” unhealthy complexion, pallor, and tactile hallucinations that often occur in tweakers. Methamphetamine users may develop cracked teeth because of extreme clenching of their jaw when they are high on methamphetamine. Chronic long-term methamphetamine use can be highly addictive, and if it is discontinued abruptly, it might lead to withdrawal symptoms that can be persistent for months after use. The use of methamphetamine in higher doses can induce psychosis, bleeding in the brain, skeletal muscle breakdown, and seizures. Moreover, it can cause violent behavior, mood swings, and psychosis such as paranoia, delirium, auditory and visual hallucination, and delusions when used chronically.

How Prescription Meth Is Abused

Many drug policy experts have charged SAMHSA with dragging its feet on the only known effective option for treating stimulant addiction. Those criticisms intensified earlier this year, when the agency left its $75 cap in place for a new round of grant awards through its popular State Opioid Response program. Meth is a highly addictive and powerful stimulant that affects the central nervous system. It was developed in the early 20th century from its parent drug, amphetamine and used in decongestants and bronchial inhalers. “Transnational drug trafficking organizations have improved manufacturing methods to drive down purity-adjusted prices through increased specialization via industrial-scale manufacturing. Synthetic opioids such as fentanyl are the leading cause of drug deaths, as an estimated 74,702 people died in 2023 from overdose.

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Methamphetamine helps to control ADHD but does not cure this condition. Do not stop taking methamphetamine without talking to your doctor. These symptoms can last for days or weeks, depending on how long the individual has used crystal meth.

But other effects, like increased energy or higher body temperature, can linger for hours. The U.S. government has labeled meth a schedule II drug, which means it has a high potential for misuse but is legal in certain contexts. For instance, the ADHD medication Desoxyn contains methamphetamine.

People Have No Idea

In fact, it is a man-made drug that was originally developed in the early 20th century for medical purposes and was used as a nasal decongestant in inhalers to treat respiratory conditions. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration classified it as a Schedule II stimulant, making it only available through a non-refillable prescription. It can be prescribed to help manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and as a short-term weight loss aid. Because of the drug’s high potential for misuse, it is rarely prescribed for these treatments and is prescribed in very low doses. Do not take a larger dose, take it more often, or take it for a longer time than prescribed by your doctor. Methamphetamine should only be taken for a short period (e.g., a few weeks) when used for weight loss.

People often try to maintain the high by taking more of the drug before the first dose wears off. In time, it became clear that methamphetamine was dangerously addictive. In the 1970s, regulators added the drug to the Schedule II list of controlled substances in the U.S. Methamphetamine is illegal except when a physician prescribes it for a very limited number of medical conditions. Meth works by flooding the brain with massive amounts of dopamine, a neurochemical normally released in small amounts in response to something pleasurable.

After the high wears off, you may start to feel bad physically and emotionally. These negative feelings may equal the intensity of your high but in the opposite way. In the past, middle-aged white people used this cheap drug most often.

what is meth used for medically

Another medication for meth addiction, ibudilast, may reduce some of the pleasurable effects of meth. Research has shown that methamphetamine withdrawal follows a predictable pattern. Learn more about the risks and side effects of substance use disorders, including the signs of intoxication or overdose. Dependence refers to a physical state in which your body is dependent on the drug. With drug dependence, you need more and more of the substance to achieve the same effect (tolerance).

  1. The use of methamphetamine in higher doses can induce psychosis, bleeding in the brain, skeletal muscle breakdown, and seizures.
  2. “You can get high and party for 24, 48, 72 hours without stopping,” Siever says.
  3. Potential long-term side effects of misuse can include heart problems and stroke, reduced cognitive function, and complete tooth decay.
  4. However, just because a pill looks like this doesn’t mean for sure that it’s Desoxyn.

You should bring this list with you each time you visit a doctor or if you are admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to carry with you in case of emergencies. Many drugs can alter a person’s thinking and judgment, and can lead to health risks, including addiction, drugged… Crystal meth produces feelings of euphoria for up to 12 hours, and people crave its powerful effects again and again. Some of the changes to the brain that result from inappropriate crystal meth use remain long after a person has stopped taking the drug. Other changes to the brain may reverse after long periods of abstinence, but this could take a year or more.

Not long after, however, the black market for meth took root in San Francisco. Motorcycle gangs, notably the Hell’s Angels, started to make and distribute the drug. It followed where they went, which meant that for decades meth use was limited to California, some other areas of the West, and a few pockets in the Midwest.